Monday, March 31, 2014

The Bathroom Academy Awards

I want to look like Scarlett, jam like Joan, cook like Julia, and write like Lena.  Ultimate cool mom combo.  However, I look a little like Joni Mitchell,
I know one chord on the guitar, enchiladas are my only specialty, and writing a novel or a full length film are at least 18 years away, depending on that third kid.  Cool, but not ultimate cool.  I am a mother.  I am always amazed at how defining that term is.  All the people I look up to and aspire to be more like will never make me feel like the perfect version of me.  The perfect version of me will forever begin with being  "mommy" to my children...and maybe my annual subscription to US Weekly.    

I always knew I was going to grow up to be that glamorous actress blubbering thank you's into the mic at the Oscar's.  I would practice my acceptance speech in the bathroom mirror multiple times a day, definitely frequenting the restroom for the mirror much more often than the commode.  I had two favorite scenes to perform; the first involved crying, a "gun" pointed at my reflection, and medium-whispered curse words aimed at my "captor".  The cursing was a must, of course because what other chance would I have to say the word "shit" semi out loud without consequence?  The second, as promised, was the acceptance speech, which also included excessive sobbing.  If I was really feeling it I would pin my hair up in a not-so-perfect french twist (because that was the most glamorous do of 1992), smear on some of my mom's blue eyeshadow and really get down on some serious waterworks.  I still struggle with the concept of time, so who knows how long the 7 year old version of me was ever really in there...long enough to thank my parents, my husband, who would have been Taylor High at the time.  He was my blonde-haired, brown eyed, totally serious elementery school crush.  Probably a repeat character on Swamp People now.  He made fun of me once.  I still had a thing for him after that, but was no longer a die hard band-aid.  Scarring though.  These are the memories that make grown ups go crazy and become drug addicts holding cardboard signs at intersections that say "Hungry" and "God blesses the generous".

Not to ruin the surprise, but I am not an Oscar winner, nor am I a drug addict or homeless, and only a little kick ass.  My Restroom Oscar ceremonies have been shaved down to the occasional Blue Steel look in the mirror, just to be sure I've still got it.  I am fully grown now, fully aware that the dream of winning an Oscar is long behind me.  Now my sense of hope, wonder, and possibility comes from my painfully darling kids.  Seeing my son realize that it's fun to have someone think he's funny, seeing him get scared of Scooby Doo characters, feel brave when he sleeps all night in his own bed, make up stories, ask me to make up stories under a tent of blankets, this is what gives me hope that good can win in this world of crazy, evil, maniacs.  I see the world becoming a better place because he's in it.  I traded my Oscar for he and his brother.  However, I must admit, whenever February rolls around and the Academy Award winners begin to spout off their "thank you's" and "dream come true's" I still get a little itch to slip quietly away into the bathroom for just a minute...oh, hell, Lord knows how long I'd be in there.     

Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Be a Cool Mom: Introduction

My inspiration to write a blog begins with my husband.  He inspires me and I inspire him.  He thinks I'm funny, sexy, uninhibited, a good mother, but most importantly, good in bed (in no particular order of course).  Life finds ways of removing all of these things from display sometimes.  Not usually all at the same time, but at some point, these qualities are overshadowed by bills, planners, doctor visits, worries about what this world is coming to, do we want a third baby, what am I going to wear to a much anticipated party when a shower has become the extent of my weekly beauty regimen.  So how do I hold onto myself, this fun, loving gal (not lady) that my husband thinks he has, all while maintaining a household, a job, and raising 2 completely gorgeous boys?  The answer, of course, as Regina George's mother so classily puts it: don't be a regular mom, be a cool mom.  Words to live by.  So I immerse myself in all the cool things I love. 1. Family 2. Friends 3. Food 4. Fashion.  This is my F list.  The rest of the list is less F-ie.  4. Movies 5.Writing 6. The Velvet Underground 7. Smutty magazines...let's talk about this one.  

I read Glamour and US Weekly.  I want to read books, I want to be able to get through a novel a week and expand my vocabulary and literary IQ, but the truth is, I am a child.  I need pictures.  I am way more interested in celebrity smut and Facebook, which is a quality, I think, my husband finds more amusing than attractive.  I am completely repulsed by reality TV, but am slightly embarassed by the excitement I feel when my man walks through our front door with a fresh US Weekly from the mailbox.  I read Glamour for the beauty tips, fashion, and articles (usually on the celebs that interest me).  Glorified smut really, but this is consentual, unlike the probing paparazzi that is US Weekly.  I feel more intelligent when I read it, warranted or not.

8. Fresh Air 9. Date Night 10. Color

The F's are my staples.  The F's make me tick, make me happy, make life mine.

Life is what this blog is inspired by. All the F's of life.  How to be a cool mom?  Inspiration, love, parenthood, real life, fantasy, stories, all these things breed confident women.  Because confidence is the coolest.