Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Be a Cool Mom: Introduction

My inspiration to write a blog begins with my husband.  He inspires me and I inspire him.  He thinks I'm funny, sexy, uninhibited, a good mother, but most importantly, good in bed (in no particular order of course).  Life finds ways of removing all of these things from display sometimes.  Not usually all at the same time, but at some point, these qualities are overshadowed by bills, planners, doctor visits, worries about what this world is coming to, do we want a third baby, what am I going to wear to a much anticipated party when a shower has become the extent of my weekly beauty regimen.  So how do I hold onto myself, this fun, loving gal (not lady) that my husband thinks he has, all while maintaining a household, a job, and raising 2 completely gorgeous boys?  The answer, of course, as Regina George's mother so classily puts it: don't be a regular mom, be a cool mom.  Words to live by.  So I immerse myself in all the cool things I love. 1. Family 2. Friends 3. Food 4. Fashion.  This is my F list.  The rest of the list is less F-ie.  4. Movies 5.Writing 6. The Velvet Underground 7. Smutty magazines...let's talk about this one.  

I read Glamour and US Weekly.  I want to read books, I want to be able to get through a novel a week and expand my vocabulary and literary IQ, but the truth is, I am a child.  I need pictures.  I am way more interested in celebrity smut and Facebook, which is a quality, I think, my husband finds more amusing than attractive.  I am completely repulsed by reality TV, but am slightly embarassed by the excitement I feel when my man walks through our front door with a fresh US Weekly from the mailbox.  I read Glamour for the beauty tips, fashion, and articles (usually on the celebs that interest me).  Glorified smut really, but this is consentual, unlike the probing paparazzi that is US Weekly.  I feel more intelligent when I read it, warranted or not.

8. Fresh Air 9. Date Night 10. Color

The F's are my staples.  The F's make me tick, make me happy, make life mine.

Life is what this blog is inspired by. All the F's of life.  How to be a cool mom?  Inspiration, love, parenthood, real life, fantasy, stories, all these things breed confident women.  Because confidence is the coolest.



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