Tuesday, November 18, 2014

And the Cool Mom Loses a Point

It is November 18th.  I come home from work at 7:30 in the morning after a 12 hour night shift, stumbling in, barely able to keep my eyes open, toss my hospital contaminated clothes in the hamper, throw on hubby's t-shirt to fall into bed with my two snoozing boys, hoping to get just one hour of sleep before they start their morning mommy face jumping game.  My hubby gives me a little extra squeeze with my good morning kiss.  I figure I must look be looking extra goood this morning in this baggy t-shirt and ratty hair topping off my day old make up face with huge dark circles peeking out just DYING to be the center of attention.  And then he whispers it.  "Happy anniversary, Baby."  How does a WIFE forget her anniversary??  Isn't that supposed to be something to look forward to every year?  Not only because I get to be a little spoiled but because I get to show my man how creative/ sexy/ fun/ organized/ pinteresty this cool mom can be!  Well, I blew it.  Unfortunately, I think I blew any chance of delivering an exceptional anniversary gift 2 years ago when I spent months planning, organizing, and putting together a very...special photo album for him...sexy even.  I was so proud of myself for having an idea and actually carrying it out IN TIME for our anniversary...now I guess I just consider November 18th to be this phantom date that will never arrive, like I have years before it will be here, like I have plenty of time to plan something great, even better than putting the sexiest version of myself in nudie mag form for his eyes only.  Not only does he remember the day, but he then presents me with two tickets to Chicago playing at the Kauffman Center here in KC in January.  Then, the cherry, an apology...for misplacing my anniversary card which I can only imagine its contents.  You see, this man of mine does not purchase a card because it is pretty, or because it has the correct occasion printed on the UPC label in front of it.  He reads the cards.  He finds THE one.  Whether it is funny or sentimental he will add whatever words he feels belong there to make the thoughtfulness of the card indescribable and turn it into a keepsake.  He is the only person who could ever give me a card that I will insist on keeping.  Now this is a big deal.  In fact, this is a true sign of head over heels love on my part.  You see, I do not tend to keep unnecessary things around.  I enjoy spring cleaning, sending full boxes to the goodwill, throwing out the clutter and welcoming the clean space.  Even my kids' artwork from school finds its way to the trash fairly quickly after the dooming ride home.  Now, I am not a complete evil queen, I have saved a few special art pieces, including a ceramic jewelry holder my oldest son made me for Mother's Day, and several paintings that he was particularly excited about when he brought them home to show Mom and Dad.  It's the ordinary, everyday crayon and scissor cuts that get the boot...much like the ordinary, impersonal cards.  But not my hubby's cards.  They change me.  I am excited to rip open those envelopes and read both his words and the ones printed on the card.  The ones I know he read first and wanted to share with only me. 

After he left for work that morning I scurried to the computer with "late anniversary ideas for him" on my googling fingertips.  I found a list compiled by no one under the age of 65 (their ages weren't listed, but the gifts gave it all away).  A photo frame with the anniversary date in the middle, a bottle with a love note shoved inside printed on a tea stained sheet of paper, a photo collage, a mixed CD, the painful list went on.  So apparently if you forget your anniversary, you suck, and your gift must suck with you. 

Do I retreat?  Do I accept the lost point?  Never.  When all else fails, you cool moms out there, pull out the best hand we have to play. Lingerie.


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