Thursday, May 4, 2017

Oliver's Wish Didn't Come True

I had the most important "mom experience" and I need it to be in writing. Oliver, my oldest became very upset after having a small bout of diarrhea recently. I assured him it was ok and he wasn't sick, he didn't need medicine (seriously one of his biggest fears), his tummy was just a bit upset and he was going to be fine. Oliver looked at me with tears welling up in his eyes and said, "...but mom, I made a wish a long time ago that I would never have diarrhea again. I had an eyelash on my cheek and you took it off. When I blew it off your finger I wished that I would never have diarrhea again and It didn't come true." Trying my hardest to hold back laughter I could see that his little heart was actually broken. This was his first harsh dose of reality. In his life he has seen no tragedy, Santa comes every year, and wishes come true. I couldn't let him lose that sense of invincibility. Not yet. I told him wishes are funny things. They only last so long before they need to be refreshed.  So the next morning, on the way to school, Ollie scoured our neighbors yards for dandelions ready for wishing. He refreshed it twice just in case.  And guess what.  The next time he has a tummy bug we will head right outside and sit and wait until we see a shooting star and give It another go. He will learn one day that diarrhea cannot be wished away. But today, when he is six and wants to become a diarrhea-free teacher/dentist/writer/toy collector, it can.

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