Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Perfect Day Includes...

Today was simply, ordinarily perfect.  My hubby and I took our 3 boys on a nature walk in the morning and spent the afternoon in front of "It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" eating hamburgers we grilled in our back yard.  I love reading other mamas' blogs to remind myself that it is ok for this parenting thing to be hard.  It is ok to throw a little mommy tantrum every now and then because a good cry is more therapeutic than almost anything else I can think of.  But, every now and then a day like this comes along and I don't need to be reminded of anything.  The moment is enough.  That being said, those mommy tantrums I mentioned before, how many are we allowed to have in...say a week?  I always manage to keep it together until my hubby gets home.  My partner.  My team member.  Another adult!  I have had days when the waterworks start when I hear the garage door open, before he even makes it in the house.  But not today.  Today our boys got dirty and sweaty playing in the woods. Today we found acorns half eaten by squirrels, tunnels under our path for water to flow after rain, threw rocks, then we snuck onto a school playground.  Today we played.  Being a parent forces me notice the simple things. Things I walk over, step on, kick aside everyday become treasures. A speckled rock, an acorn top, a giant bright yellow leaf are all worth tucking away in a pocket even if only for the rest of the day.  This way the treasures are sure to be taken out later that evening, placed directly in the middle of the living room rug, grinding dirt and broken leaves into the carpet while the remaining shards of acorn pieces are spread about the house for mom and dad to step on in their bare feet or for the baby to stick in his mouth and choke on or injure himself.  Today was perfect.  A perfect, ordinary day full of messes, dirty kids, an acorn shard to the foot, and so so much love.πŸπŸ˜πŸ‚πŸŒΎπŸπŸ‚

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